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Saturday, November 19, 2011

How many flops in Ipad2?

It Would Take 61 Million iPads 2s To Match The Power Of The World’s Best Supercomputer

The iPad 2 has some impres­sive mobile sil­i­con inside it. The A5 proces­sor is a dual-core affair with a 1GHZ clock speed, capa­ble of about 171 megaflops (or about 171 100 floating-point oper­a­tions per sec­ond).

Not bad, right? But how does the iPad 2 stack up against the most pow­er­ful com­put­er in the world, Fujit­su’s K Super Com­put­er?

Not too well, accord­ing to the guys at Royal Ping­dom. In fact, you would need about 61.5 mil­lion iPad 2s to match the 10 Bil­lion megaflops of the K Com­put­er.

That’s enough iPad 2s that if you stacked them on top of one anoth­er, the pile would be 540 kilo­me­ters high. That’s the equiv­a­lent of about 1,700 Eif­fel Tow­ers stacked end-to-end.

Well, sure. Fine. But can the K com­put­er run Infin­i­ty Blade 2? Thought not.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hidden panorama mode

How To Enable The Hidden Panorama Camera Mode In iOS5

We recent­ly told you about the hid­den panora­ma mode in the iOS 5 Cam­era app that could be enabled by edit­ing a .plist file. Since then, a jail­break tweak called “Fire­break” has been released that auto­mat­i­cal­ly enables the fea­ture on any jail­bro­ken iOS 5 device.

Panora­ma mode in the iOS Cam­era actu­al­ly works, and you can get it on your own device right now with­out jail­break­ing.

A sim­ple hack has sur­faced that enables the hid­den panora­ma mode on the iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPod touch, and iPad 2 run­ning iOS 5. To enable the fea­ture, you’ll need to per­form a mod­i­fied back­up of your iOS device in iTunes. You will also need to restore from a new back­up, so keep that in mind before con­tin­u­ing.

Step 1: Down­load the free trial of iBack­up­Bot for Mac OS X or Win­dows. Install it on your com­put­er.

Step 2: Back­up your iOS device in iTunes. If you have a recent back­up, then you can use that file. You have to man­u­al­ly back­up instead of using iCloud.

Step 3: Once you’ve got a back­up you’re ready to restore to, open iBack­up­Bot. Nav­i­gate to Library/Preferences/ and open that file. If you’re run­ning the trial ver­sion of iBack­up­Bot, just click can­cel after the warn­ing mes­sage and con­tin­ue.

Step 4: Add EnableFirebreak right below DiskSpaceWasLow and click the disk icon to save your edit.

Step 5: Exit out of iBack­up­Bot and restore your iOS device in iTunes to the recent back­up file you just edit­ed.

That’s it! You should now have the iOS 5 panora­ma mode enabled on your iOS device — no jail­break required. When you launch the Cam­era app, the panora­ma mode should be avail­able in Options under Grid and HDR mode.

PANORAMA3 9.30.41 PM
via @chpwn

There are plen­ty of other apps in the App Store that let you take panoram­ic pic­tures, but this method enables the native panora­ma mode that Apple has dis­abled by default in iOS 5. While the fea­ture is usable, it’s obvi­ous­ly not ready for prime time, so don’t be sur­prised if you run into some bugs.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Careful on what you tweet.

THE NEXT WEB November 4, 2011
The CIA is watching: US intelligence teams monitor 5 million tweets EVERY DAY
Jon Russell
The CIA is watch­ing over social media, accord­ing to a new arti­cle from the AP which reveals that the US gov­ern­ment pours over 5 mil­lion tweets sent on Twit­ter every day.

Given the rise of social media across the world, news that US intel­li­gence agen­cies are tap­ping into the medi­um to stay informed of con­ver­sa­tions across the world is not unex­pect­ed although their use of the con­tent may sur­prise you.

With more than 800 mil­lion using Face­book and Twit­ter see­ing more than 400 mil­lion tweets sent across its ser­vice, the CIA’s sur­veil­lance team has a lot of noise to short through to gar­ner use­ful infor­ma­tion.

The AP fea­ture explains how the staff at its Open Source Cen­ter, referred to as the “venge­ful librar­i­ans” by its team, sorts through the clut­ter of cyber­space to build intel­li­gence reports that analyse inter­na­tion­al opin­ion and respons­es to US activ­i­ties.

From Ara­bic to Man­darin Chi­nese, from an angry tweet to a thought­ful blog, the ana­lysts gath­er the infor­ma­tion, often in native tongue. They cross-reference it with the local news­pa­per or a clan­des­tine­ly inter­cept­ed phone con­ver­sa­tion. From there, they build a pic­ture sought by the high­est lev­els at the White House.

The sys­tem appar­ent­ly enabled the agency to fore­see the Egypt­ian upris­ing although it was unable to pre­dict exact­ly when it would hit, Doug Naquin, the cen­ter’s direc­tor, told AP in what the news wire says is the first ever media visit to the oper­a­tions.

A exam­ple of the work that the cen­tre car­ries out came when the US killed Osama Bin Laden ear­li­er this year, when the CIA turned to social media to build a report that gave the White House a snap­shot of the world’s opin­ion on the inci­dent.

Since tweets can’t nec­es­sar­i­ly be pegged to a geo­graph­ic loca­tion, the ana­lysts broke down reac­tion by lan­guages. The result: The major­i­ty of Urdu tweets, the lan­guage of Pak­istan, and Chi­nese tweets, were neg­a­tive. China is a close ally of Pak­istan’s. Pak­istani offi­cials protest­ed the raid as an affront to their nation’s sov­er­eign­ty, a sore point that con­tin­ues to com­pli­cate U.S.-Pak­istani rela­tions.

When the pres­i­dent gave his speech address­ing Mideast issues a few weeks after the raid, the tweet response over the next 24 hours came in neg­a­tive from Turkey, Egypt, Yemen, Alge­ria, the Per­sian Gulf and Israel, too, with speak­ers of Ara­bic and Tur­kic tweets charg­ing that Obama favored Israel, and Hebrew tweets denounc­ing the speech as pro-Arab.

So the next time you care to pass com­ment on US for­eign pol­i­cy, Pres­i­dent Obama or the tasty sand­which you just ate, the CIA and Pres­i­dent Obama might be lis­ten­ing.
